Technology is transforming the landscape of disputing. Soft Settle provides a resolution which avoids complicated jurisdictional issues. The resolution assures both parties a win-win proposition. Your interests and desires are taken into account by the Software and problems are separated from the people so that the relationship of the disputing parties can remain harmonious always in future. Soft Settle builds relationship by delivering appropriate judicial decisions..
Soft Settle encourages resolution to the effect of Financial Dispute Resolution, E-Commerce Dispute Resolutions and Insurance Claims Disputes Resolution in the first phase. In the Second phase Soft Settle targets resolving the issues in respect of Merger & Acquisitions and disputes that may crop up in Employee –Employer relationship (Workplace conflicts), IPR areas, In future other areas where resolutions forthcoming are detailed in “Guidance”.
You can access SS-Equity through Case Management segment where you have to sign up if you are a new member or sign in if you are an existing member. You can file a case in the appropriate page provided for furnishing details of your profile as well as your opponent’s contact details. Once the questionnaire gets answered properly, SS-Equity evaluate your positions and interests and check whether there are possibilities for reconciliation. Further your collaborative attitude during the resolution procedure is appreciated considering your eagerness to reach the potential zone of agreement. Further SS-Equity would help you getting all messages, emails , agreement framework and final agreement. Further SS-Equity also facilitates you to appeal against its own decision so as to be judged by the Final Facilitator or ultimate virtual mediator and you will be in receipt of an agreement if the appeal turns successful.
You can access Case Management segment where you have to sign up if you are a new member or sign in if you are an existing member. You can file a case in the appropriate page provided for furnishing details of your profile as well as your opponent’s contact details. You have to provide answers to the questionnaire intended for the database and forthcoming agreement which will be taken into consideration for the decision to be taken by the Software SS-Equity. Ultimately you can participate in the e-Resolution procedure synchronous or asynchronous at any time i.e 24/7 or round the clock /week.
5. What are the dispute phases where one can invoke the services of SS-Equity to resolve the issues?
SS-Equity (Financial Dispute Resolution) is ready to help you at any time (early intervention or subsequent intervention after the first initial 6 EMI periods supposed to effect the repayment or EMI so that the payment plan can be rescheduled and the EMI reshuffled. SS-Equity (E-Commerce Dispute Resolution) would resolve the case only at the event of complaint from the consumer against the retailer. On the other hand SS-Equity (Insurance Claim Settlement) would care the Insurers at the time when insurance amount gets matured or at the event of the contingency stipulated in the insurance agreement.
Soft Settle Support can come out with a fast, fair and efficient resolution. Fast, fair and efficient seems an appropriate value proposition for transactional disputes. Usually the public is looking for easier, faster, and less expensive ways to solve minor disputes. The FFC (Fast & Fair Criteria) has been adopted by Soft Settle Support by designing its product SS-Equity with most vibrant, pre-determined criterions and sophisticated communication technologies combined to build a rather refined and efficient system and methodology so as to come with fast and fair options which can easily and efficiently worked out to win appropriate justice.
If software SS-Equity fails to come out with some favorable options for you, you can either switch over to appeal where the final facilitator or ultimate neutral could able to help you to come out with more reasonable proportions likely to be accepted by parties to the dispute.
SS-Equity use facts and logic to cause the parties to reexamine perceptions and inconsistencies. In SS-Equity resolution the parties submit confidential “final” offers with agreement as to how the offers are to be treated. Further potential zone of agreement is also a criterion so far as to consider the accommodative and collaborative attitude in breaking the impasse.
SS-Equity is a virtual expertise neutral – that is the presence of third party during the process of reaching the agreement – but acquired a different form of label so far as technology plays a dominant role instead of a human element. The principles of transparency, voluntariness and fairness of treatment are being incorporated in the software SS-Equity which are obligated to provide parties with clear and easily understandable information to facilitate the resolution procedure. SS-Equity is designed in such a fashion where it is being designed so as to evaluate the interests and positions of the parties to reach a stage where parties’ interests get reconciled. This is how SS-Equity separate problems from the people so as to find a neutral solution.
The main fundamental aspect the SS-Equity is that it convenes resolution procedure and facilitates parties to engage in the procedure with clarity and transparency like providing information and historical evidences of the procedure and the second thing that SS-Equity being a mediator or arbitrator is that it is the best evaluator in reconciling the identical interests of the disputing parties.