SS-EQUITY (Consumer)
To serve as a trader automatically deems to be a servant and the Consumer is supposed to enjoy the service to be ultimately termed as the King. But we used to witness a different scenario. Our average consumer is neither bereft of consumption choices nor a passive observer of unscrupulous market practices. On the other hand trader always gets subjected to despicable evaluation of the implementers of the law. Hence the prevalent legal redressal or grievance is nothing short of an ordeal. With protracted battle that might span a prescribe time, justice at times is delayed and denied. But the judgement records in ConfoNet (Computer Networking of Consumer Forums) disclose that it takes an average of three years for a verdict. On other occasions, opposite parties took recourse to delaying tactics so far they are subjugated to some vile attitude. So there is a tendency on their part to move the higher hierarchical set up and after three years, the case may be reverted to the lower authority.
Overcoming the Shortcomings
There should be a cap on the number of adjournments sought by the opposite parties. But how? As far as the court litigation is concerned, while most consumer disputes involve modest amount of money, the likelihood of prolonged time consumed and delay, mental and physical strain and high legal costs and complicated legal procedures may deter aggrieved consumers from resorting to legal action. There are some options to be worked out.
SS-EQUITY (CDR) Automated Feature
SS-EQUITY (Consumer Dispute Resolution) has come forward with a desire to provide a system that can negotiate or even mediate or an automated form of ADR by online method to resolve a dispute between the consumer and the trader or merchant in a more timely, efficient, and cost-effective manner.
The device is shaped and designed in such a manner that it assists an impartial dispute resolution where resolving consumer disputes is easier, faster and less expensive than going to court.
The other features are as follows: Parties can choose either synchronous or asynchronous in accordance with their conveniences.
The feature like extracting the interests and positions of the parties and considering the generous and collaborative attitude facilitates the parties tend to reach a solution to be decided by the software SS-EQUITY.
Automatic feature of decision of the virtual neutral to indicate the point of settlement is integrated with the device.
Unless parties to the dispute do not reach an agreement they can seek the assistance of the final facilitator or an ultimate mediator to intervene in the process to remove the impasse in the previous sessions and decide the case. The decision of the final facilitator indicating the point of final settlement is integrated.
The other attribute of the product is extended over to an Automatic Generation and Release of an Agreement laying down all the outcome of the process as the final gesture of the product.
The product typically features the styles and patterns of e-Negotiation or such types of e-Resolution which used to take the form of traditional bargaining comprising demands, offers, counter offers etc.
The three stages resolutions integrated in the software provides an authenticity in finding a settlement by legitimate choices. The system takes into account the open offers and the confidential adjustment criteria and, if possible to the predetermined rule set calculates and displays a settlement amount.