Automation — from artificial intelligence to machine learning — has actually cut deep into the legal services industry. Already, data analytics are on the scene, as well as a new generation of legal scholars and court watchers who use computer algorithms, crowdsourcing and other analytic methods to guess at, and increasingly second-guess, judicial outcomes.
The rise of computing power exponentially increased the ability to develop technologies based on artificial intelligence and capable of autonomous action. Perception of Artificial intelligence and Robotics is generally bifurcated with advocates seeing the technology as significantly enhancing the quality of human life and detractors concerned about the consequences of bypassing of human instruction and the possibility of machines that have self-learning capabilities evolving in an unanticipated and dangerous manner.
It’s clear that technological advances have certainly expanded the options that businesses have for resolving disputes. There are implications for companies, academic institutions, insurance providers and attorneys that handle cases where maximizing efficiency and controlling costs are key factors along with achieving an acceptable settlement outcome.
SS-EQUITY (E-Com) is a product carved out, shaped and designed facilitating the disputing parties to take control making it possible to reach a fair settlement most effectively and saving as much as time they can.
Issues of consumer protection are of more concern with online transactions, because in offline dealings consumers are more aware of their legal rights and how these may be enforced through the traditional courts or legal dispute representatives .In contrast, e-commerce is still evolving and courts do not follow the same thinking when dealing with online disputes. This further confuses merchants and consumers due to possible different interpretations by different courts, let alone for disputes where parties are distant from each other. Often online merchants may be reluctant to offer redress services onsite in case their customers will interpret that disputes arise often. Therefore Soft Settle Support has come with well designed redress platforms encourage a sense of justice and fairness in the market place, which in turn increases the trust of those who benefit from the outcomes.
The other features are as follows:
Parties can choose either synchronous or asynchronous in accordance with their conveniences.
The feature like extracting the interests and positions of the parties and considering the generous and collaborative attitude facilitates the parties tend to reach a solution to be decided by the software SS-EQUITY
Automatic feature of decision of the virtual neutral to indicate the point of settlement is integrated with the device.
Unless parties to the dispute do not reach an agreement they can seek the assistance of the final facilitator or an ultimate mediator to intervene in the process to remove the impasse in the previous sessions and decide the case. The decision of the final facilitator indicating the point of final settlement is integrated.
The other attribute of the product is extended over to an Automatic Generation and Release of an Agreement laying down all the outcome of the process as the final gesture of the product.
The product typically features the styles and patterns of e-Negotiation or such types of e-Resolution which used to take the form of traditional bargaining comprising demands, offers, counter offers etc..
Automated resolution can be sought where parties physically attend a site.
Soft Settle Support utilizes an automated, online, chosen single secret acceptance or double-blind bid dispute resolution system in accordance with the requirements, which allows disputants to resolve claims quickly and confidentially. Optional telephone facilitation or private chat are also facilitated so as to smooth out communication difficulties if necessary and keep settlement negotiations on track, or when parties are close and can benefit from the help of a skilled neutral.
The online service generates high-speed settlements by matching offers and demands. Once the process gets underway, disputants have three opportunities or rounds deemed to be one session to settle an issue or a claim or a problem(against which the payments have to be effected by the parties). One demand or offer is entered for each round; Soft Settle Support instantly compares the demands to the opposition’s corresponding offer. When the offer is greater than or little bit nearer or equal to the opposition’s demand, parties can expect a fair solution with the software acts very diligently to the satisfaction of the parties.
The affected party may better file a case in the concerned page provided in the Case Management categorized folio in the website- www.softsettle.com or he/she/they can send an email to support@softsettle.com detailing the subject matter to be taken as a case by Soft Settle Support or Soft Settle sponsored e-Resolution.
Soft Settle Support shared the subject matter with the opposite party or parties and invites them to stream of e-Resolution process. On responding favorably from the side of the opposition, Soft Settle Support may come forward with a Questionnaire comprising shared question where both parties have to answer them separately or individual questions which aims at a single individual party and respective parties are sought to answer them individually. These data would be later retrieved for generating an Agreement for which a framework has already been integrated. This Agreement would be generated in accordance with the ultimate output transpires in each round in the session.
The parties would be invited to the e-Court promoted by the Soft Settle Support to participate in e-Resolution process. The parties are directed to involve in the process in accordance with their conveniences and the process need not be synchronous. They can have an access to the e-Resolution process at any time and the process and helpline is round the clock procedure and i.e 24x7.
Once the process gets underway, disputants have three opportunities or rounds deemed to be one session to settle an issue or a claim or a problem (against which the payments have to be effected by the parties). If the session proves to be successful, automatically an Agreement gets generated incorporating the general clauses and other clauses reflecting the outcome of the e-resolution process. Parties can try as much sessions as they desire, but they are advised to seek the assistance of the Final Facilitator after three consecutive unsuccessful sessions. Final Facilitator’s decision is final and it is binding on the parties and successful Agreement to that effect would be released simultaneously along with the outcome of the e-Resolution process.
(In addition the materials (Demo-Video/PDF Manuel (PPT)etc.)would be provided in this page)
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