Can a loan default be the final of everything?

By SoftSettle Support

Repaying a loan and keeping up with the EMI can be quite an uphill task. This may bring worries and all ways tends to be anxious about the tomorrow’s consequences. But it is a guaranteed fact that the default of loan is not end of everything.

You have reasons to believe that your worries could haunt you. But SoftSettle Support can safeguard the interests of the loan defaulters.

Once you file a case in the case management segment of portal or mobile app. under the banner of Soft Settle or SoftSettle Support the defaulter may get an opportunity to interact virtually with their creditors say bank. This interaction would bring down the fuming stance adopted by the creditor or bank. This will provide the defaulter a positive chance to negotiate with Creditors through which banks can restructure the loan. The period of loan can be rescheduled and EMI can be reshuffled.

Owning a house or a car is a dream come true for many because of the easy availability of loans. In the last few years with an increase in the standard of living particularly in the metros, the once conservative and loan-averse investor is now willing to take on loan commitments to satisfy even leisure requirements. However, if you find that you are in a situation where you will not be able to meet your loan obligations, what do you do?

That is why a defaulter is facilitated with virtual interaction with the creditor and creditor can perceive how genuine the defaulter’s intent and case is, the creditor may look for various feasible solutions subject to the participation in the e-Resolution process powered by Soft Settle through which a creditor can benefit of the agreement generated as a result of e-Resolution and the defaulter could be able to retain his asset and safeguard his/her CIBIL rating.

With the Soft Settle decides over the rescheduling of the time and reshuffling of the EMI, the defaulter should consider the immediate relief it can bring to their current situation. Again when a defaulter gets confronted with better time he/she can try negotiating with the Bank for settling their payment against loan by higher EMI or prepayment.

Hence escaping from the problem is cowardice. It is the right time to ponder over options and do not undergo emotional stress which could end up losing your asset. Soft Settle is there to support you so far you are intent to pay off the loan that should be evident to the creditor.

The other thing Bank would enjoy as Soft Settle provides the platform for resolution, where debtor would be alerted in each intervals during the period of repayments like early intervention, middle level intervention and final intervention. Hence there is no opening for the debtor to go for frequent defaults and the debtor will be saved from being subjected to the harassment and pressurization of the Recovery agents authorized by the Banks and above all from getting clasped in between the sharp claws of CIBIL.

Soft Settle offers the parties to the dispute a win-win proposition.

As such you can believe, Soft Settle is your friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Technology in Dispute Resolution

By Adv.Rajesh, Chief Co-ordinator, ODR, SoftSettle Support Pvt. Ltd.

So far as most of the states of India and the countries like UAE, Qatar in Western Asia are booming MNCs, Corporations and IT companies it has become a challenging affair for business people to look forward to find a reasonable dispute resolution mechanism to settle the business disputes within the country and across their borders. As such when I was asked by some professionals from India to build an online segment in a portal which could cater to the needs of the business people in respect of settling their disputes, I had no second thoughts of integrating an ODR Club and ODR Resolution Center in the form e-courts in the portal under the domain of, making the justice possible by means of e-negotiation using self automated and stimulated software. In this context I would like to share some of the information I gathered, with you.

ODR promotes a virtual scenario to facilitate the mediator or any presiding officer interacting with the disputing parties. By formulating a technology stimulated ambience, ODR has cleared a way for bringing justice most transparently and thus winning the trust of the people.

The approach to justice will become easier and quick with the aid of technology supported ODR. A key advantage of resolving disputes through the use of cyber-mediation is that it avoids the issue of whether a particular court has jurisdiction over the dispute. Since disputants can bind themselves to resolution through an agreement, jurisdictional issues can be avoided altogether.

The claim of saving court litigation expenses used to be the primary advantage of the traditional dispute resolution. The business segments all around the world is experiencing a tough time as the result of the recession prevailing and dominating in all countries. It has become indispensable for even ordinary individuals to stabilize their financial position at this juncture. Hence to a great extent Online Dispute Resolution has become a blessing to the society so far as this method can be adopted to make the resolution process most cost effective. The online resolution mechanisms eliminate the need for physical travel which used to be long and tedious one to reach particular forum to participate in the alternative dispute resolution process. This level of convenience obviously saves both money and time.

This method invokes special attention of the business people so far as the features like convenience, transparency, competitiveness, neutrality to an extent strange to the traditional alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process. In addition ODR benefits the business community across borders and ODR is a borderless “service business” opportunity.

The parties to the dispute may be fairly relieved so far as they need not confront with each other directly. The virtual ambience facilitates the parties to enjoy a non-confrontational state of affairs so as to reach a settlement.

The willingness to integrate technology inspite of reservations about confidentiality is fueled by the belief that whatever is lost in terms of privacy is less valuable than what can be gained in terms of efficiency, transparency and convenience. So question remains answered without any second thoughts that people can forgo privacy for transparency.

Soft Settle – A Platform for Robot Lawyers ignited by Artificial Intelligence

Soft Settle Support

Artificial intelligence is changing the way lawyers think, the way they do business and the way they interact with clients. Artificial intelligence is more than legal technology. It is the next great hope that will revolutionize the legal profession.

Change can be brought on through pushing existing ideas. What makes artificial intelligence stand out is the potential for a paradigm shift in how legal work is done.

AI, sometimes referred to as cognitive computing, refers to computers learning how to complete tasks traditionally done by humans. The focus is on computers looking for patterns in data, carrying out tests to evaluate the data and finding results.

Soft Settle first time in India, and among in other Asian countries has shown the mettle to disclose how Artificial Intelligence combining with Digital Technology can eliminate lengthy, expensive lawyered-up court litigations; the technology is already adapted to reshape and revamp the justice patterns, by making its presence felt in the issues relating to debt, insurance, consumer matter and other different forms of civil and corporate disagreements.

Indians and other Asians are in the process of embracing digital technology – using it for their shopping, communicating, house hunting, work and leisure activities etc.. Simultaneously, it is to borne in mind, the digital revolution can prevent costly and lengthy court action – so it would benefit our justice system and out society as a whole. Hence the digital sparkling would have to reshape the Indian and Asian societies ultimately would offer the opportunity to address fundamental problems in our present legal system – combating the legal menaces like expensive lawyers and slow, confrontational and painful court proceedings.

The digital platform Soft Settle helps people deal comprehensively with their legal problem and encourages a mediated settlement rather than recourse to lawyers and courts. Agreements reached through collaboration and respective generous interests of the parties tend to more effective and proposes a harmonious bondage paving way for an accurate judicial reasoning and in every ways rather efficient than decision imposed by judges.

Technology must be utilized to better assist Indians and other Asians get fair and proper access to justice.

Soft Settle is on the mission to make the law accessible – with the Artificial Intelligence igniting the fire hence calls for technological legal tools. Soft Settle revolutionizes the legal assistance technology that suits the needs of ordinary people – and that extends to low-income and disadvantaged Indians and Asians.

Realization of of Loan – Routine Alert & Resolutions

SoftSettle Support

Loan collection is usually a process which is highly regulated. As the creditor wants to get back the loan with its interest, they usually offer the loan with either a mortgage or a guarantor to back the debtor. The debtor enters into a legal agreement with the lender to repay the loan by a particular time and date.

This is monitored by both the creditor and the rating agencies to track how prompt a debtor is in repaying the loan. This is used to calculate the credit score of a debtor for future loans.

Generally, the method to collect a loan follows the steps given below:
• Collect the money coinciding with the arrival of the debtor’s income cycle
• Maintain a systematic follow-up on how the customer can handle the repayment
• If the customer shows discrepancies in one or two installments, reach out to the customer to find out the cause.
• If the customer is prompt, preserve goodwill and promote more offers to him.

When it comes to collecting back the loan, banks adopt usually two methods of collection. As loans are paid back in EMIs, the banks do not intervene or disturb a customer if the payment is prompt and on time. They maintain a cordial relation with the debtor and accord them with further credit proposals if the client exhibits discipline in the repayment process.

However, not all debtors can pay back on time. Owing to various reasons, they may default on the payment of their owed capital. Such defaulters are usually provided with several opportunities to pay back their owed sum.

Following methods are usually undertaken to ensure that the debtor is legally requested to fulfill his commitment:
• The bank will send a ‘letter of demand’ to the debtor on its letterhead, demanding that the debt is to be paid within a particular date or legal action may be taken.
• Secondly, they may issue a ‘final’ letter of demand
• Several banks also contact their clients via phone to get them on record to find out the reason for their potential defaulting.

Let a new device helps both creditors and debtors

SS-Equity, a virtual neutral comes to help both creditors and debtors to come in terms rather than fighting with each other or leading their relationship in bickering.

Rather the defaulters would be approached at their time of default and they would be alerted regularly so that they can participate in the resolutions offered by the platform SOFT SETTLE as early, middle and final level intervention. Even the alert would also provided information about their Credit Ratings updates (CIBIL in India).

Even before going for the resolutions in each level of interventions, the debtor would not be denied an opportunity for interacting with the creditor virtually and that itself would pave way for any easy resolution probably results in both parties winning without any hurdles.

An automatic agreement gets generated duly executed, which has legal validity and enforceable in the eyes of law.

This method could leave the parties taking the control of the financial problems and settling the financial issues in a faster, efficient and cost-effective manner.

Automated ODR – Never a nightmare for Lawyers

Adam Sharon, Family Mediation Center, Boston

I happened to meet my friend Jammie Pennings comparatively junior, doing her second year JD in Hamline University School of Law. Whenever she meet me she seems little bit excited and a lot to talk about her legal studies and how she is going to pursue with her profession in the future. I too encourage her and I always appreciated her smartness. She happened to be selected to represent ODR Conference from Hamline last year in California. But after back from the conference, she found to be tranquil and remain less enthusiastic during our meeting. May be due to some family problems, I tried to convince myself. But from her Professor, I learnt that she was too anxious about the advent of potential use of technology in the area of providing legal services replacing lawyers altogether for certain basic legal activities and can go to a level of meeting most complicated civil conflicts reaching a settlement. As such she was under the impression that many functions traditionally performed by lawyers will soon be routinely undertaken by software systems, whether such situation likely to present challenges for the legal community – I mean lawyers as a whole.

But as a legal professional I feel her fear is quite unwanted and unwarranted. The situation confronting her is presenting both challenges and opportunities for the legal community. The rationale in support of automating legal activities is simple. The automated systems can help to make the legal functions more readily accessible to the public at lower cost. Automation can also help to make legal activities more transparent to participants and faster to process.

At present, software-based systems are focusing their efforts on the resolution of some of the more common legal disputes. I am associated with Settlement Support, a dispute resolution based in India operating from Bangalore and Kochi. They have promoted a project “Gateway to Equity & Justice” where they are having two segments functioning under a portals and . The later one is a prospective one and supposed to accommodate Automated Dispute Resolution software. They are bent on resolving civil disputes such as settlement of monetary disputes including debt resolution apart from insurance claim settlements, resolution of ecommerce disputes, consumer dispute resolution, settlement of the issues arising out of the M & A in the corporate sector etc. along with the social issues like patching up of conjugal life on the eve of divorce, divorce settlements and post divorce settlements are also being considered to facilitate whole proceedings.

Automated systems are not nearly as effective, however, for legal functions that are less standardized. Activities that require the exercise of judgment applied to the specific circumstances of each situation are less suitable for automated systems. These legal functions continue to be the domain of human legal practitioners.

Software-based systems designed to facilitate public access to legal functions are important and very valuable. We will likely see in the near future a rapidly growing number of legal activities and disputes handled by automated systems. This will benefit clients, who will have faster and less expensive access to legal support, and it will also benefit lawyers, who will be able to focus on the judgment-based and more nuanced services that clients can not obtain from automated platforms. Software-based systems provide critically important supplements to traditional legal services, but there will always be legal functions that can only be effectively performed by humans.

Call for Win-Win Propositions

SoftSettle Support

While exploring how the financial institutions treat their customer who are unable to repay their loans, a study has to be conducted analyzing the perspectives of both creditors and debtors. Despite the institutions or creditors are bent on prioritizing client protection as a statutory obligation, there is a surprising question on what happens when the contractual relationship breaks down between the creditor and the debtor.

It is true that there is more willingness to discuss default management which includes various high profile repayment crisis, generates a feeling that there should be a system where the creditors as well as the debtors shall steal the show together. The defaulter’s perspective may be completely different. Most serious difficulties are in financial distress and often in the midst of other life crisis. A sick child, parent needs medical treatment and in another case an elderly borrower was robbed on his way after finding the resource towards repaying his debts. Defaulting customers are already likely to be full of anxiety because their lives are not working as planned. The consequences of non-payment may be one among many major concerns of a defaulter. They skip meals, sell possessions, or compelled to take their children to a lower fees academy to save school fees. These sacrifices happen on the way to default. As a result they struggle to remain current on their debts, say by taking another loan, the chains may only get tighter. To reach a position justifying the debtors, there shall be a statement totally be submitted as “ordinary people in bad situations are not liars and cheats- at least not until pushed by crisis into desperate measures” . Such debtors need help and compassion.
Taking into account – the concerns of both Creditors and Debtors, a new system shall be evolved instead of harassing and pressurizing collection agencies to realize the loan amount from the defaulters. At the same time creditors shall also be benefitted in the course of collection and realization of loan amount.

SoftSettle Support can be a magnificent technology based alternative in sourcing the deliberations which would make everything easy for both creditors and debtors in settling their financial issues. Soft Settle can come up with three types of interventions such as early, middle and final interventions at each stage of the repayment period. As such the creditors need not wait for another 90 days after the completion of the payment to receive the defaulted payment and need not go for any legal proceedings against the debtor. The intervention in each stage would benefit the debtors by getting alerted about their CIBIL rating and they may not be complacent to repay the reshuffled EMI and properly comply with rescheduled repayment period. The final intervention too would help both creditor and debtor by settling the issues using the Mediation and Arbitration tools. At each intervention the e-resolution takes place and on the successful result, legally valid agreements would be generated and have to be executed properly so as to be subjected to enforceability.

Soft Settle is an ideal platform where disputing parties can interact virtually and thus reducing the problems related to creditors which used to bring violence and other offensive techniques from the part of the collection agencies against the defaulters at the behest of the creditors. While the creditors start taking lenient attitude towards the debtors, there shall be some options can be worked out during the negotiating process that could bring results which is more or less win-win propositions

Technical Aspects Behind SS-Equity’s Performance

SoftSettle Support

Problems can be resolved quickly and efficiently with machines guiding decisions based on the data provided by user or the company.

Decision making by machines is only likely to grow and also likely to increasingly challenge ODR systems. As algorithms shape more and more aspects of our lives, we will need to design systems that will help citizens to understand how they are being affected and how problems may be resolved. ODR systems will need to be put in place to address algorithm-related problems and prevent them from recurring in the future.

Artificial Intelligence and Law cannot go together so far as the Computers are simply executors of rules while legal field requires interpretation. Hence AI would be normally not acceptable for taking judicial decisions. Hence we have worked on combining AI with the basic elements of Scientific Mediation where negotiations could be facilitated

Artificial Intelligence based on the following, supports Dispute Resolutions in the Soft Settle Support System Platform.

Basic elements considered for the Resolution Procedure:
1. Separating the people from the problem;
2. Focusing upon interests rather than positions;
3. Knowing your BATNA. – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement – The reason you negotiate with someone is to produce better results than would otherwise occur.

Soft Settle comes out with Sophisticated optimization algorithms to generate optimal solutions for complex problems.

Fairness Algorithms – Fair & Prompt Concessions rewarded.

Soft Settle’s algorithms actually reward the negotiators for their attitude in respect of their respective interests, generosity, cooperative inclination, thus resulting in quicker settlements. Rather practical comprehensive collaborative attitude is appreciated.

SoftSettle’s dynamic process is particularly suited for ‘early intervention’, middle level intervention with potential to save significant time and other resources.

Debt Resolution – Negotiating on Your Own

By SoftSettle Support

The simple idea behind debt settlement is to negotiate with your creditor to have debts paid in full but for less than what you owe in actuality. The professional way is do-it-yourself , by which one will be more beneficial to your right now and in the long run.
It may be difficult but if you are going to negotiate your own debt settlement, then you need to keep your emotions out of it. Naturally this happens for a debtor so far as his guilt of being defaulted debtor, one cannot take it as business deal but like an ordeal which he is supposed to confront with.
Soft Settle supports you and makes you feel to treat it like a business deal or pretend that it is not your debt, which ultimately lead one to sideline your emotions and manage the situation in a bold manner.
Soft Settle calls for a debts settlement with many great benefits as Soft Settle is a professional platform which assess your specific situation and facilitate you to pick the best option, be it debt settlement through e-Resolution, or any other of the many options which can be resolved directly, manually or virtually such as Debt Consolidation and Personal Bankruptcy.
When you are negotiating a debt settlement, it is quite natural that the creditors will attempt to get as much money out of you as possible. As such, you can seek the assistance or support of the Soft Settle deemed to be an expert negotiation platform facilitates you to negotiate with creditors on your own, rather safe to say that with the professional background of Soft Settle, you will get a better settlement offer and you will end up paying back less and your repayment plan can be amended in accordance with your convenience.
Consult with Soft Settle so that your debt relief is never far and your interaction with creditors would be worked out without any fear, inhibition or any such reservations.

Arrears Management Assisted by SOFT SETTLE

By SoftSettle Support

Creditors adopting a policy of holistic approach by finding customers’ problems to identify those in financial difficulty and as such they have to tailor debt recovery procedures accordingly. The creditors/lenders have to explore the best repayment option for individual borrowers. They have to look at the overall situation of the borrowers/debtors to identify those in financial difficulty. Further they have to distinguish customers in difficulty from others embracing deliberate default.
Creditors must use the due diligence in adopting the plans which shall be realistic and sustainable to make it convenient for the debtors to come out with options which can be worked out jointly by both of them, mainly taking into account the customer’s ability to pay back the borrowed amount.
In practice, SoftSettle provides guidance to both creditors and debtors to get reconciled where their interests are mostly considered along with their generous attitudes and collaborative tendencies. Prior to resolution procedure creditors and debtors are being facilitated to have interaction with each other where creditor can take debtor into confidence resulting into so many lenient attitude from the creditors.
Normally so far as the creditors rely on letters at the early stages of arrears management, as they are adopting holistic approach place greater emphasis on personal contact usually be telephone. A telephone call conveys a greater sense of urgency which may be projected as the pressurizing tactics, may reflect a greater level of insecurity on the part of the debtors and as such the creditor’s policy of building relationship with the customers would be become rather damaging. Hence the creditors who want to maintain a policy of building customer relationship would rather resort to SoftSettle Support through their web portal by filing a case against the debtor which on the other hand provide a friendly picture to the debtor who can negotiate with the creditor freely and in a relaxed manner. A mobile app under the title and banner of SoftSettle Support can be downloaded by the debtor either in the form of Android and IOS throughout the globe.
Where a creditor adopts a holistic approach the court is used as a last resort and is seen as an admission of failure. Moreover the courts are used very selectively. They recognize that it is pointless to take people to court if they have no money to pay and Soft Settle help the creditors use debt surveillance for customers not able to pay promptly and they can seek the assistance of the Soft Settle in come in terms with the creditors and resolve the issues.


By SoftSettle Support

Usually, we used to witness a scenario, where debtors may sometimes fail to serve regular obligation like installment repayment against the loan/debts he received from the creditor, become subject to experience tormenting harassment from their creditors or their authorized collection agencies, mentally go down and even they start thinking of doing something drastically which may be normally adverse to their personal as well as family life.
In India, it has become an usual phenomena or we better call debts have already started creating a phobia among all types of borrowers, whether they are farmers, businessmen, students etc. and in the end of the day (means with the pressurization or pesterrisation or with the adoption of harassment techniques from the part of the creditors like debt recovery in the form of attaching land, houses and what all dearest to the borrowers) they may decide to put an end to their life. Ironically these suicide trends have become one of the best marketing elements for print as well as visual media as their prime strategy.
It is well-established that the majority of the world’s economy is based upon a system of credit and, currently, there are a significant number of people and other types of entities (governmental and private) who are in debt or base their operations largely upon the availability of credit. A significant percentage of debts are in the form of unsecured debts, which are usually substantially more difficult to collect in comparison to secured debts. Generally speaking, the creditor is typically the more dominant party in the debtor/ creditor relationship and is oftentimes unwilling to go through a process of negotiating the settlement of a debt, especially where a debtor is difficult to track down. For a debtor, the experience of having a debt being collected from them is very stressful and oftentimes, is felt as a form of harassment. Therefore, it would be desirable to provide a negotiating or arbitrating platform that achieves a semblance of equality between the debtor and the creditor and provides flexibility, and yet some assurance, in the collection and repayment of debts. Additionally, it would be desirable that the platform be user-friendly and fully automated in order to relieve the debtor and creditor of a direct line of communication and having to expend significant resources and energy in achieving a settlement of the debt.
SoftSettle Support has devised a product SS-Equity (FDR), primarily facilitates the interaction between the debtor and creditor to come out with offers and counter offers which would ultimately soften their bitter relationship and further the product SS-Equity (FDR) is also capable of resolving issues related to debts in a more peaceful, collaborative and intelligent way using soft technologies leading to a society managed by Robotic Justice which is going to be the future justice.
SS-Equity(FDR) is treated to be a virtual neutral and it reconciles the interests of the parties and the collaborative attitude of the parties are also taken into consideration so as to come out with a decision which is used to be a win-win proposition.
Soft Settle’s features like early intervention, middle level intervention and final level intervention make it possible for disputants to take control and quickly reach a fair settlement out-of-court. Your time is valuable. If your case doesn’t interrupt your life and settles much sooner via Soft Settle, you can assess the extent of worthiness of the technology developed by SoftSettle Support.