Combining IT with facilitative and evaluative techniques

Adv. Rajesh, Chief Coordinator, SoftSettle Support.

I was working with a Dubai Law Firm when I happened to meet one research associate working under Prof. David Larson, a leading ODR exponent working as the faculty and chief in ODR department, School of Law, Hamline University, St.Paul, USA. The research associate was very much enthusiastic about the online methods of dispute resolution and he told me what he has imparted under the guidance of Prof. Larson could be implemented in case I initiate an online resolution campaign in Gulf.

So far Mediation has excelled in the ADR process all over the world; it is less popular on the web. But as far as Online Mediation is concerned, it is a virtual face or reflection of a face to face Mediation; further the human element and personal authority of the mediator whom the parties trust are keys to the success of the process as in offline is almost identical in the online too but for the virtual game and to treat the computer as a kind of alternate third party referred to as the fourth party. The advantages of online mediation is extended to the asynchronous communication that allows time to reflect before reacting a proposal from the other side or from the mediator along with other advantages like non-physical confrontation with the opposite party  and above all considerable savings in cost, time and convenience

Thus the advantages behind the process of online mediation are definitely propelling such process or ODR to reach the heights and once and for all there will be new trend and revolution in respect of dispute resolution with all these benefits make the online mediation more flourishing.

As such as an ODR consultant I introduced the Online Dispute Resolution mainly focusing on the online mediation and negotiation apart from traditional Alternative Dispute Resolution in my law firm and I found so many clients from different commercial areas have started fancying about the online mediation and they started taking part in such process to get their issues resolved through online mediation.

Such reaction of the commercial folks and their favorable feed backs have inspired me so as to accept the offer from people at the helm of SoftSettle Support Private Limited to take the baton as the chief coordinator of their ODR segment focusing more on the software supported dispute resolution.