Insurance Companies are not reluctant to make you convince that their (less) offer is final

SoftSettle Support

The hypothetical scenario is with regard to an injury in a vehicle accident. After suffering an injury in an accident, you may be able to turn to insurance for coverage of medical costs and other losses. You might file a claim under a policy you hold (e.g., auto collision insurance, homeowners’ insurance, health insurance) or through another person’s liability insurance if he or she was at fault.

A claims adjuster should follow up on your claim by contacting you and investigating your case. The investigation may include reviewing your medical records, obtaining vehicle repair estimates, reviewing police accident reports, interviewing you and reviewing your initial claim documents.

There are certain damages to be categorized for the insurance purpose. They are as follows:

Special damages include:

  • Present and future medical expenses, from emergency care through hospitalization and rehabilitation
  • Property damage (costs to repair or replace)
  • Lost income during recovery or because of disability
  • Out-of-pocket expenses, such as the cost of towing a wrecked car, prescription medication, travel to doctors’ appointments or wheelchair rental.

General damages include payments for:

  • Pain and suffering (physical)
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life, such as inability to pursue recreation, hobbies, or other activity as you did prior to injury
  • Loss of consortium (marital/partner relations).

An insurance settlement should account for all of these losses as they apply to you and your situation, up to the limits of the applicable insurance coverage.

However, a settlement offer may be less than what you expected if the claims adjustor decides that your losses were not as much as you originally demanded, or that your own negligence or recklessness contributed to your injury.

If you question the settlement offer, the claims adjustor may not be reluctant to suppress all relevant facts and put you in the peril by convincing you that offer is the generosity from the part of the insurance company.

Soft Settle’s Consultancy and Resolution services can be invoked at this time.

Typically faster mode of Mediation is guaranteed and the negotiation for clear verdict in the form of claim settlement which is software stimulated, got integrated in the portal and the mobile application. A win-win proposition is guaranteed.