Set Limits on Conversations

SoftSettle Support narrates the following hypothetical situation over a personal injury – auto accident insurance case as cautioning notice to the parties who will find rather difficult time with the insurance company on the occasion of an event – injury or accident.

In your first contact with an insurance adjuster (which usually comes via a phone call) make it clear that you will not be discussing much.

Let the adjuster know that, until you have finished investigating the accident, have completed medical treatment, and have fully recovered from your injuries, you do not want to discuss anything related to:

  • how the accident happened
  • what your injuries are (or how serious they are, or whether your condition is improving), or
  • what a settlement amount should be

In this first discussion with insurance adjuster, set boundaries. Ask that the adjuster communicate with you in writing until you present your written demand for compensation and actual settlement negotiations begin.

In some situations, however, it may not be practical to stop all phone conversations. For example, if you have been in an auto accident, you may need to discuss repairs to your car. If you do need to speak to the adjuster again, set whatever limits you want on the place and times — home or work, morning, evening, weekends — for telephone contact.

There are good reasons to limit your phone conversations with insurance adjusters. Some will call frequently in an attempt to get you to settle quickly, and they can become a real nuisance. It’s good to nip this in the bud.

More important, until you have had a full opportunity to investigate and think about the accident, to determine the nature and extent of your injuries, and to recover (or reach “maximum medical improvement” in insurance parlance), you will not have accurate information to provide. And, if you give incomplete or inaccurate information on the phone, the insurance company may try to make you stick to it later on. Some insurance adjusters are good at getting you to say something which could be considered an admission of some fault on your part, or which limits the seriousness of your injuries. It is therefore much better to have no discussions at all until you have made your compensation demand in writing and you are fully prepared to discuss a settlement.


How can Soft Settle support the parties in settling the insurance issues?

By SoftSettle Support

SoftSettle is a web-based application and it has integrated the software SS-Equity (Insurance Claim Settlement or ICS) in which fast and fair criteria (FFC) has been incorporated, could provide an efficient and result oriented resolution procedure. SoftSettle Support provides a web-based and mobile-accessible platform that offers 24/7 assistance to claimants and insurance companies to facilitate the claim settlement process.

Fortunately, the integration of element of Artificial Intelligence aided by service technology facilitating the alleviation of Case Management Procedure in the interactive portal and Soft Settle mobile application, is bent on creating new pattern of insurance claim settlement process.  Further the service technology developed by SoftSettle Support enables and expedites virtual communications so as to reach result oriented resolutions leading to win-win propositions between or among the parties.

The space is being provided for 24/7 by SoftSettle Support through portal or mobile phone application at the convenience of the parties so that they can interact or participate in the resolution process synchronous or asynchronous. SoftSettle allows you to conveniently negotiate with your disputing adversaries in a secure virtual environment.

Soft Settle channelizing the services through the product SS-Equity (ICS) enable Insurance Claim Settlement process facilitating the easy access to justice through web portals and mobile applications, without any snags. The parties can have a full control over the process and they are left with the freedom to make exchanges to the effect of their issues through virtual interactions and further accept, reject or appeal in respect of settlement of claims.

The web-portal along with mobile application provides awareness and promotions through the resource tools could make the people or consumers assimilate the procedure in respect of case management and make use of the software SS-Equity (ICS) ultimately keeps their life relieved off all soft look alike intimidating approaches from the opposite parties.

Other professional services apart from the above technical services are the following:

  1. Dealing with the claimant, insurance company, adjuster and related parties
  2. Managing the Dispute Resolution Process
  3. Legal Advice
  4. Tips for the resolving a complaint
  5. Provide or facilitate with the significant process like authentic and bona-fide Negotiation to the effect of Insurance Claim Settlement between claimant and insurance company.
  6. An Agreement is built up with reasonable clauses cause to manage settling the issues cropped up between or among the parties
  7. Facilitate the Mediation and Arbitration which ultimately keeps away the harrowing experiences and exorbitant expenditure resulting out of court litigation.
  8. An award at any stage (after the negotiation settling the claims or after the final mediation or arbitration process) is ensured which make the way for enforcement of the agreements thus generated.

Software platform provided by SoftSettle is definitely a blessing for those who have been undergoing the confusion over the settlements offer on the claimant’s part essentially and avoiding the expensive litigation would be ad added advantage for the insurance companies while settling the insurance issues under the auspices of Soft Settle.

What you need to do when you defaulted on a Debt?

SoftSettle Support

Everybody knows that defaulting debt is certainly an offense. But it is unavoidable and applicable to all kinds of people. We know as a matter of fact it is not going to finish you but it will tarnish your financial image.

The primary concern is that your credit score will get dropped and you will not entertained for any further loans against you submissions. May be it is not going to affect your breath, but low credit score causes difficulties in your life.

Further the creditors will start haunting you once you defaulted payment by means of their recovery as well as collection agents who are all the more ruthless in their approach and thus pressurizing you to an extent where you may feel like ending your life.

In most cases, once you have missed a payment with the original creditor (i.e. Banks, NBFCa etc.), the company will attempt to work with you for six months to establish a repayment program.  Failing that, the creditor will most likely sell or consign your debt to a collection agency – and the game may change dramatically

If collateral is assigned to the loan on which you have defaulted (e.g. mortgage or auto loan), repossession is a distinct possibility.  Banks generally utilize home foreclosure as a last resort, since they would prefer to keep you as a customer and avoid the cost and hassle of the foreclosure process.

Now it is the time to get in touch with Soft Settle. Soft Settle is a shrewd interactive debt resolution software platform that leads you to communicate with your creditor in a secure virtual environment. The software is accessible 24/7  by means of the portal and mobile applications.

As a result the torture of the collection agencies will get stopped and you will be invited to participate in the debt resolution process in the e-Court powered by Soft Settle after complying with the case management procedure integrated.

You can see you are entering the easy and less complicated negotiation process where you have to be more collaborative and accommodative so as to reach a decision in your favour.

Apart from the above, you will not be charged for signing up and the e-Resolution process. So it is everything FREE for you unlike  other debt settlement agencies

To learn more about the Case Management Procedure and e-Resolution process kindly make a visit to

Lawyers and Access to Justice

SoftSettle Support

According to the American Bar Association’s (A.B.A.) Model Rules of Professional Conduct, “[a] lawyer is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice.”

A lawyer’s varied roles include advisor, advocate, negotiator, intermediary, and evaluator. Lawyers are generally concerned only with legal issues and conditions that directly affect a specific case. In addition, the legal profession commonly reflects an individualistic and non-collaborative view. Finally, social justice is not an explicit goal of the legal profession. Lawyers see justice as the efficient result of an adversarial system; as long as they serve their clients well, justice is served in that process.

Attorneys have a central commitment to serve their clients. They act as advocates for their clients, help their clients determine what their needs are, and then, help them to meet those needs. Advocates use a problem-solving approach to address their clients’ needs and resolve issues. Hence these professionals could be deemed to be social workers considering the public interest and so far as focussing the life of the people with direct services which could facilitate their clients with conveniences like short period for attaining justice at most reasonable expenses and at the most stimulating vision in respect of scheming win-win propositions for the contesting parties.

So far as the lawyers are infected with the judicial system resulting out of heavy, tardy and tedious court litigation, there may be remote possibility on their part of the lawyers to get inclined towards low volume remunerated automated online dispute resolutions. Lawyers are aware of the fact that they involve in the conflict areas taken to court trials include expense, which a common client finds it difficult to co-ordinate or afford along with other discomforts like time pressure and other related legal hindrances. The lawyers may be probably in the process of realising the issues of their existing as well as prospective clients.

A lawyer’s goal is to win the case for his client, and in order to do so, it is usually necessary and appropriate to give advice to the client. Hence there is a chance for a lawyer taking the baton of a social worker rather helping his clients than merely advising them. The introduction of the platform Soft Settle could cater to the requirements of the lawyer to play the role of a social worker. He is not confined to mere advising the clients but helps the clients to come out of the troubles he has been confronted with.

Legal community is going to be encountered with certain challenges as a result of many functions traditionally performed by lawyers will be soon replaced by software systems. The integration of technology into the practice of law has been advantageous for the clients so far the basic legal activities to the effect of dispute resolution would be carried out with ease, flexibility, cost reduction, fast, fair and efficient.

SoftSettle Support has evolved research methods to create technologies, which are needed for realizing the promise of effective software support for resolving complex disputes coming under certain categorized areas. SoftSettle Support avoids human intervention to an extent to conduct the dispute resolution procedure and activities on their own. At the same time other significant issue taken into consideration while designing these devices is about the role of human dispute resolution agent or expert neutral in the online resolution system and the job better to be left over to automated (software) solutions. The execution of the justice has entered a revolutionized phase.

The access to justice has become very easy, fast, fair and efficient with the introduction of Artificial intelligence in the area of dispute resolution and has been organized with more stability and consistency so as to counter certain challenges likely to be posed by the conflicting situations in different areas.

Hence the lawyers are invited to test the automation in respect of accessing the justice straight forwardly and effortlessly. Realising the fact that litigation is adversarial, which means less regard to fair solution, court decisions might not be acceptable to either party and further adjudication of court results in win-lose scenario and not a mutually acceptable decision, it is time for the lawyers to ponder over a new means for accessing fast and fair justice.  Let the hope rests with the new beginning in the area of justice ignited with the help of artificial intelligence being promoted by SoftSettle Support.


Your insurance settlement effort is being supported !

SoftSettle Support

The car insurance company should already have a list of your demands from your claim prior to the negotiation process. This includes facts surrounding the accident such as who was at fault, injuries to yourself or staff members, profit loss and/or damages to vehicles or property. After receiving your request for compensation or demand letter, the claims adjuster will contact you to discuss your demands and offer a settlement. Usually phone works as the media for this negotiation and here we are introducing an unique method for settling claims.

Support your claim with documents that confirm the extent of your loss. Have a specific settlement amount in mind that you feel your case is worth but do not request an amount that the evidence can not support. Back up your argument with an organized list of damages suffered. For example, if you paid for a rental car for several weeks to ensure business obligations were still met, show the adjuster the receipts and also explain how being out of the vehicle has affected your business. The insurance company must compensate you for actual damages including medical bills, expenses and lost income as well as perceived damages such as business interruption and damaged customer relationships

The new method calls for a negotiation or resolution where the insurance company extends an initial offer, which will be less than the amount you requested. The insurance company will likely offer a very low settlement amount initially regardless of how strong your case is. They often do this to see if you know what your case is worth.

To negotiate successfully, you must counter with an amount less than what you originally requested but higher than what the insurance company offered. After several negotiation deliberations with the adjuster or Company’s  representative, negotiations, with the collaborative attitudes of the parties along with the parties’ interests overtaking their positions would be measured so that the virtual neutral SS-EQUITY (ICS) decides the case providing a relaxing time for both parties with a beyond win-win proposition. (It is just as the insurance company used to  be more keen to negotiate a favourable settlement if you are flexible and realistic with your counter offer in a direct or face to face negotiation in some cases where the company is qualitatively just and right in extending their services).

But usually insurance companies adopts a tough attitude under the pretension of building their business profits, the claimants might undergo the trauma of the difficulties in attaining the deserved results. This situation calls for the intervention of a different platform like SOFT SETTLE and virtual neutral like SS-EQUITY (ICS or Insurance Claim Settlement)



A Successful Insurance Claim Settlement

  SoftSettle Support


Whether you have a personal injury claim, were in a car accident, or were on the receiving end of medical malpractice, after you submit a demand letter to an insurance company, it’s time to negotiate.


If you have presented an insurance company with an organized demand letter and the proper supporting documents, usually your claim negotiation process will probably consist of nothing more than a few phone calls with an insurance claims adjuster. But Soft Settle supports you in bagging your negotiations concluding in success.

The insurance company used to be labelled as an unbinding, autocratic in declaring claims would be rather most flexible in producing settlement results while clashing with the insurers.

As part of putting together your demand letter, you should have determined what you believe your claim is worth. Within that range, and before you negotiate with the insurance company about your demand, decide on a minimum settlement figure that you will accept. This figure is for your own information — so you can keep your bottom line in mind when under the pressures of negotiating — but it is not something you should reveal to the adjuster or the company.

The negotiation starts with an offer from the adjustor or the company, such offer automatically revise your bottom-line figure upward. The interests of the insurer and insurance company are getting worked out. The potential zone of agreement would be considered by the software SS-EQUITY and interests reconciled so as to produce a result which could be more than beyond win-win proposition

Credit Card imbroglio: Ultimate option is Soft Settle

SoftSettle Support

Your credit card provided by the bank gets you into a contract with the bank and you are under a liability to pay the dues. First of all bank will start charging you fine for certain periods in default of payment.

Secondly, they can lower your ratings and apply some sanctions on your account.

Thirdly, as default of payment is a breach of contract therefore banks can send you legal notice which you have to respond within 30 days.

Legal team of the bank can file a recovery suit which is civil in nature and can get you hooked in long terrible court proceedings.

One can also be made criminally liable for default as well if recovery amount is high. But usually civil procedures are occurred.

Generally, banks will not jump to legal action immediately, to recover its dues, unless it is inevitable.

They will try to negotiate with the defaulter offering certain concessions of interest or waiver of certain compound interest etc. to settle the dues of defaulter. If the defaulter does not respond to its offer or its various notices and personal visits of its staff, theThey may entrust the job of recovery to the Recovery Agents, who are empanelled by the bank for initiating further action.

The next step, taken by the banks to take the help of the Recovery Agents may not be as soft as it was. The Recovery Agents are real professionals, who are masters in the techniques of various methods of recovery including shaming and naming — will go to any extent for the recovery of dues, for which they will get their share.

So, the agents are real tough persons and are generally very adept in their profession.

Banks may offer one time settlement by compromise or settle the dues thru Lok adalath or other modes of recovery procedures.

After exhausting all the chances of a compromise settlement of credit card default dues, banks may be forced to go for filing a suit against the defaulter and other co-obligants or sureties, if any, for recover of dues. once after getting the favourable judgement, they may take suitable action for enforcing the recovery procedure as suggested in the court order.

The best solution is to inform the bank about your intention. Meet the Bank guys directly in the credit card division. Explain them the situation & then talk to them about finding some settlement option. And based on the settlement option whatever suits you the best make sure to stay on the same. Dont again change the settlement option provided to you.

If you will meet and talk directly with the credit manager/ or the collection people at the credit card division of the bank, the possibility is of normal settlement and not much of a chaos of any legal action instantly.

Meeting Bank personnel directly or interacting with them to express excuses usually be a hard task for you so far you have not complied with the norms of repayment against the credit card loan. Hence the ideal option is Soft Settle. Soft Settle may help you avoid such embarrassing situation by providing you an opportunity to interact with Bank or their creditor virtually and as a result the Bank would desist all types pressurization practice applied to the debtor in the form of recovery proceedings. You may get time to tap the resources to pay the liability off. Further you join with your creditor to negotiate to the effect of getting time and if required further extension of monthly instalments. An agreement is generated to this effect. Now you can manage you financial problems and control it as per your convenience.

But this time you have to comply with the agreement.  But if you will fail again, then the banks may go through the Civil proceedings.

But Soft Settle is deemed to be an ideal option so far it is a blessing for the debtors to find time when they are already in a mess subjected to civil or criminal proceedings to be initiated by the creditor. Soft Settle supports the debtor to find further time to arrange payments against settling the credit card debt likely to be a Damocles Sword hanging on the debtor’s head.







Offer to Settle Debt with a Reduced Lump Sum shall Jeopardize the Debtors’ Credibility

SoftSettle Support

Debt settlement involves making an offer to the credit card company to settle the amount you owe for a lesser amount. If the creditor accepts, you will need to pay the entire settlement amount up front, in one lump sum.

A credit card company might accept a settlement if you’re very delinquent on your payments; it is often less costly for a creditor to accept a lesser amount in settlement than it is to send the account to collections, file a lawsuit, obtain a judgment, and then try to collect on the judgment.

The credit card company or creditor would rather dare to settle some scores against the debtor so far as the debtor is not ready to pay the entire payment against the loan. The creditor writes off the remaining balance supposed to be received by him after settlement and reports to the credit bureaus that the debt was paid in full by settlement for a lesser amount. As the result, the debtor will lose his credit rating and automatically he/she becomes an offender as far as CIBIL is concerned.

Hence such situations have to be avoided in case the debtor requires further financial assistance or loan from recognized banks or other related institutions.

Soft Settle could be a right choice to assist you to settle the issues with your creditor where you fail to effect monthly payment against credit card debt continuously. The rationale behind debtors rallying around the platform Soft Settle can be listed in the following manner.

  1. You can do it by yourself using the platform of Soft Settle on free signing up.
  2. Soft Settle facilitates virtual interaction between you and your creditor.
  3. You can receive counter offer against your offer and that itself would desist every agonizing deals from the part of your creditor.
  4. You can take control of your financial problems and take time to explore your genuine sources to settle the financial issues
  5. You can participate in e-resolution process without any cost.
  6. You are in control of the e-resolution process
  7. During negotiation your collaborative and generous attitude would be considered and as a result you would be blessed with the convenience in respect of time and payment installments.

As such, you can seek the assistance or support of the Soft Settle deemed to be an expert negotiation platform facilitates you to negotiate with creditors on your own, rather safe to say that with the professional background of Soft Settle, you will get a better settlement offer and you will end up paying back less and your repayment plan can be amended in accordance with your convenience.

Consult with Soft Settle so that your debt relief is never far and your interaction with creditors would be worked out without any fear, inhibition or any such reservations.

Negotiating Credit Card Debt Successfully

Describing the procedure consisting of the communications that convinces and assures the lender follows with preparation for e-resolution

SoftSettle Support

This is with reference to credit card default and its resolution.

There are blogs that may inspire us to negotiate and settle directly with your credit card banks or lenders.

As you know, different creditors have different departments that handle offending accounts. In the first month or three of missing a payment, your  calls may be handled by the bank’s customer service department. After 90 days of non-payment, calls are often routed to, or made by, a department that handles bank recovery.

There are many ways to bring up the subject of settling when you call in. When you’re calling in to negotiate and are between 150 and 180 days offending default, you will typically be speaking with someone trained to help you with that. You should already have a good idea of what the bank you are calling to negotiate with will reduce the credit card debt to in a settlement subjected to some resolution process.

Good communication with your bank will also help you to stay in the loop with any payment reduction plans that your bank may offer that could fit your budget and overall debt reduction plan. Depending on the creditor, you may also get some early and attractive offers to settle your account by staying in touch.

Bill collectors, whether working at the bank or with an outside collection agency, are very good at building up your stress level. They know your level of stress often increases the odds they will get a payment from you. Staying on the phone and answering their questions is ill advised, unless you are at the point where you’re negotiating your settlement.

Till you get capable of making payments against settling credit card debts, you have to be honest towards the inhouse unit of recovery of the concerned bank or institution. You  should keep your script to a minimum while delivering something to the inhouse unit. You tell them your inability to make payment at this juncture and make them convinced that you are exploring options to find additions to or supplement your income. Your assurance in continuance with your declared effort to the effect that in case something comes through, the funds would be flushed towards settling the same.

Can your current budget and monthly income provide for your basic needs – now and into the near future – while meeting your time lines for settling with your particular creditors?

The above question has to get analyzed and try to make yourself available for seeking the assistance of SoftSettle Support to provide you a platform to negotiate with your creditor.

A dominant factor in determining whether settling with your banks is an appropriate option for you is how quickly you will be able to pay the settlements. There is flexibility with debt settlement by eliminating such options like bankruptcy and credit card bank consolidations. Hence the immediate remedy is to talk with your creditor to use the Soft Settle platform.

While the Soft Settle decides over the rescheduling of the time and setting the plans so as to devise budgets according to the debtor’s interest not clashing with the interests of the creditor, the credit card delinquent gets an opportunity to consider the immediate relief it can bring to their current situation. Again when a defaulter gets confronted with better time he/she can try negotiating with the creditor for settling their payment against credit card debts.

Hence escaping from the problem is cowardice. It is the right time to ponder over options and do not undergo emotional stress which could end up losing your asset. Soft Settle is there to support you so far you are intent to pay off the loan that should be evident to the creditor.

The significant and interesting aspect of the Soft Settle makes everything possible for the credit card defaulters is its wonderful attitude seeking the delinquents’ participation without making any payments and everything is free (free signing up and free e-Resolution). If you are a credit card defaulter why can’t you try? The forthcoming mobile app is designed with Android and IOS. You can simply download the app freely and enjoy your settlement process without any tension, pressure, strain or something like that so far you are going to be a winner.

Combining IT with facilitative and evaluative techniques

Adv. Rajesh, Chief Coordinator, SoftSettle Support.

I was working with a Dubai Law Firm when I happened to meet one research associate working under Prof. David Larson, a leading ODR exponent working as the faculty and chief in ODR department, School of Law, Hamline University, St.Paul, USA. The research associate was very much enthusiastic about the online methods of dispute resolution and he told me what he has imparted under the guidance of Prof. Larson could be implemented in case I initiate an online resolution campaign in Gulf.

So far Mediation has excelled in the ADR process all over the world; it is less popular on the web. But as far as Online Mediation is concerned, it is a virtual face or reflection of a face to face Mediation; further the human element and personal authority of the mediator whom the parties trust are keys to the success of the process as in offline is almost identical in the online too but for the virtual game and to treat the computer as a kind of alternate third party referred to as the fourth party. The advantages of online mediation is extended to the asynchronous communication that allows time to reflect before reacting a proposal from the other side or from the mediator along with other advantages like non-physical confrontation with the opposite party  and above all considerable savings in cost, time and convenience

Thus the advantages behind the process of online mediation are definitely propelling such process or ODR to reach the heights and once and for all there will be new trend and revolution in respect of dispute resolution with all these benefits make the online mediation more flourishing.

As such as an ODR consultant I introduced the Online Dispute Resolution mainly focusing on the online mediation and negotiation apart from traditional Alternative Dispute Resolution in my law firm and I found so many clients from different commercial areas have started fancying about the online mediation and they started taking part in such process to get their issues resolved through online mediation.

Such reaction of the commercial folks and their favorable feed backs have inspired me so as to accept the offer from people at the helm of SoftSettle Support Private Limited to take the baton as the chief coordinator of their ODR segment focusing more on the software supported dispute resolution.