Technical Aspects Behind SS-Equity’s Performance

SoftSettle Support

Problems can be resolved quickly and efficiently with machines guiding decisions based on the data provided by user or the company.

Decision making by machines is only likely to grow and also likely to increasingly challenge ODR systems. As algorithms shape more and more aspects of our lives, we will need to design systems that will help citizens to understand how they are being affected and how problems may be resolved. ODR systems will need to be put in place to address algorithm-related problems and prevent them from recurring in the future.

Artificial Intelligence and Law cannot go together so far as the Computers are simply executors of rules while legal field requires interpretation. Hence AI would be normally not acceptable for taking judicial decisions. Hence we have worked on combining AI with the basic elements of Scientific Mediation where negotiations could be facilitated

Artificial Intelligence based on the following, supports Dispute Resolutions in the Soft Settle Support System Platform.

Basic elements considered for the Resolution Procedure:
1. Separating the people from the problem;
2. Focusing upon interests rather than positions;
3. Knowing your BATNA. – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement – The reason you negotiate with someone is to produce better results than would otherwise occur.

Soft Settle comes out with Sophisticated optimization algorithms to generate optimal solutions for complex problems.

Fairness Algorithms – Fair & Prompt Concessions rewarded.

Soft Settle’s algorithms actually reward the negotiators for their attitude in respect of their respective interests, generosity, cooperative inclination, thus resulting in quicker settlements. Rather practical comprehensive collaborative attitude is appreciated.

SoftSettle’s dynamic process is particularly suited for ‘early intervention’, middle level intervention with potential to save significant time and other resources.