What you need to do when you defaulted on a Debt?

SoftSettle Support

Everybody knows that defaulting debt is certainly an offense. But it is unavoidable and applicable to all kinds of people. We know as a matter of fact it is not going to finish you but it will tarnish your financial image.

The primary concern is that your credit score will get dropped and you will not entertained for any further loans against you submissions. May be it is not going to affect your breath, but low credit score causes difficulties in your life.

Further the creditors will start haunting you once you defaulted payment by means of their recovery as well as collection agents who are all the more ruthless in their approach and thus pressurizing you to an extent where you may feel like ending your life.

In most cases, once you have missed a payment with the original creditor (i.e. Banks, NBFCa etc.), the company will attempt to work with you for six months to establish a repayment program.  Failing that, the creditor will most likely sell or consign your debt to a collection agency – and the game may change dramatically

If collateral is assigned to the loan on which you have defaulted (e.g. mortgage or auto loan), repossession is a distinct possibility.  Banks generally utilize home foreclosure as a last resort, since they would prefer to keep you as a customer and avoid the cost and hassle of the foreclosure process.

Now it is the time to get in touch with Soft Settle. Soft Settle is a shrewd interactive debt resolution software platform that leads you to communicate with your creditor in a secure virtual environment. The software is accessible 24/7  by means of the portal and mobile applications.

As a result the torture of the collection agencies will get stopped and you will be invited to participate in the debt resolution process in the e-Court powered by Soft Settle after complying with the case management procedure integrated.

You can see you are entering the easy and less complicated negotiation process where you have to be more collaborative and accommodative so as to reach a decision in your favour.

Apart from the above, you will not be charged for signing up and the e-Resolution process. So it is everything FREE for you unlike  other debt settlement agencies

To learn more about the Case Management Procedure and e-Resolution process kindly make a visit to www.softsettle.com