An Effortless Resolution Procedure

SoftSettle Support

Twenty years ago, professional dispute resolvers were quite skeptical about using technology. The sense was that technology only enabled sterile, antiseptic communication, stripped of real honesty and emotion. Many people argued that online apologies, in particular, were not as effective as face-to-face apologies because of the lack of nonverbal communication. The oft-expressed concern was that overly simplistic software solutions would trivialize disputes and suggest that disputants could just click their way out of any issues they encountered. As such, dispute-resolution professionals were very slow to adopt technology into their practices, and many insisted that face-to-face communication was the only real way to conduct conflict-resolution procedures

Over the past ten years, however, technology has “humanized.” The tools used to interact with each other in the realm of computer-mediated communication have become far more intuitive and easy to use, while at the same time becoming more powerful. Devices like smart phones and tablets have made interaction as simple as pointing one’s finger, which for many seems more natural and human than typing on a keyboard. Computers now play pleasing sounds and show pictures and video in stunning clarity and color. Technology has gotten much better at connecting with people and helping to connect people with people.

In response, people have started connecting more with technology to facilitate communication and relationships in contexts from family to the workplace.Though it does not replace the need for in-person communication and nurturing, technology is adapting to evolving human needs and interests, making communication available and accessible where it may not have been in the past.

Members of the younger generation, in particular, have become reliant on technology in almost every area of their lives. Not only do they use technology throughout their workdays, they’ve become comfortable using it in many of their most intimate personal relationships.

A vibrant portal like  accommodates the core technological ideas so as to provide mechanism to counter the dispute or address the issues quickly and effectively. Hence Soft Settle has found out a room for availability of an E-court and its activation by  inviting the disputants to the stream of settlement  using the Soft Settle Mobile App. Now many people have started using computer mediated communication and hence addressing any dispute would not be seem strange. So there is no room for any skepticism any more.